Hi, my pysical HD is mounted on the logical sda1. When i try to mount the loopback on something else than sda1, xm complains. With: Genevadisk = [ 'phy:loop0,xda1,w', 'phy:sda1,sda1,r' ] root = "/dev/xda1 ro" I get error msg: >>error begin GenevaVFS: Cannot open root device "xda1" or unknown-block(2,0) Lucida Grande   GenevaPlease append a correct "root=" boot option Lucida Grande   GenevaKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(2,0) >>error end Does Xen deny use of anything else than logical sda1 for HD? When my physical HD is sda1, how can I use another logical drive for my loopback? To save space I want to read-only mount my pysical HD from the loopbacks. (If I try to mount sda1 now, I mount the loopback, not the pysical HD) Cheers, Rune