Fix prelink file context Add unconfined_domain transition to rpm_script_t, also moved bootloader transition out of targeted policy ifdef webalizer wants to do udp. One last fix for allowing mounting any file on any file. gfs2 supports extended attributes. gfs does not, so I am calling them nfs New version of automount wants new privs. I am looking into updating prelink cron entry to do restorecon to eliminate avc messages, also trying to get prelink maintainer to modify program which would make this change not as important hplib is communicating with nfs somehow. proftpd uses a socket to communicate with itself hald needs nsswitch stuff krb5kdc needs to read kernel network state. mysql uses nsswitch NetworkManager neets to transition to pppd to bring up dialup networking. ntpd - nsswitch procmail transition to clamav pegasus we need to setup a chat with pegasus maintainer. He wants transition from unconfined_t. pyzor wants to read home dir. xfs - nsswitch Fix auditd config files specs semanage needs additional perms to work with setrans file merged unconfined_execmem into unconfined.te remove todo stuff from userdomain. useradd needs to be able to create user_home_dir_t in mls policy