I am working hard at building coreboot with grub2 payload. Now I can build a grub2 payload as follow: 1: Download the lastest grub2 source code. 2: ./autogen.sh ./configure --with-platform=coreboot make 3: Use grub-mkimage to generate a "payload.elf", detail: ./grub-mkimage -d . -O i386-coreboot -o ../coreboot-v4/payload.elf --prefix='/boot/grub2' memdisk cpio -m ../memdisk.tar Accoding the coreboot website(http://www.coreboot.org/Talk:GRUB2), memdisk is a virtual disk in grub image and it is suggested that grub.cfg is contained in a memdisk image. So I made folders boot/grub2 in my work folder and add a new grub.cfg and some modules(such as memdisk.mod cpio.mod ...) into the boot/grub2, then tar boot/grub2 to memdisk.tar(according to the website tar can be used to build a memdisk image). *Problems:* 1: I don't know wether grub2 can found my grub.cfg ,if I set " --prefix='/boot/grub2' " ? On the coreboot website,a sample is --prefix='(ata0)/boot/grub2'. I think the ata0 is hard disk. but I use the memdisk image, what should I do ? 2: I want my grub.cfg in memdisk to load the grub.cfg from my hard disk. Because I have install the ubuntu11.04 on my hard disk, a grub.cfg file should be in the /boot/grub. So my grub.cfg just like this: search -f -s /boot/grub/grub.cfg configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg Is this practicable? 3: I want the gurb can boot into the grub-shell, how to ? BRs, Rock.C