On 05/07/2012 08:40 AM, Marek Lindner wrote: > If you wish to replace the mac addresses with readable name you can simply use > a bat-hosts file to tell batctl which mac address should be replaced. Check > the bat-hosts section in our batctl online manpage: > http://downloads.open-mesh.org/batman/manpages/batctl.8.html I know about bat-hosts, but this only works when the host displaying the data knows all the MAC address/hostname mappings. For community meshs like Freifunk networks it would be much nicer to allow each host to supply its own hostname for vis in my opinion. I think one possibility to add this without breaking compatiblity would be adding a hostname record after the neighbor entries in the vis packets. It would be nice to convert the reserved field in the vis packet stucture to a flags field for things like this, but AFAICS the current code never sets this to zero, but this is a byte of uninitialized memory that is sent over the network - but again, I might be overlooking things as I'm not yet familar with the code. Matthias