
we need to change the tty on which busybox is sitting. Right now I could change the UART for the kernel and all program output after the boot to our favorite UART (via kernel cmd line). But the login promt and all interaction with the device is still on the old UART. So I guess it's a busybox configuration issue. Furthermore, when I try tty after login, it gives me: /dev/ttymxc4 (we want to use ttymx1).

I looked here https://busybox.net/downloads/BusyBox.html and in menuconfig for an option to change the UART interface but couldn't find any. Furthermore I added
::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc1 115200 vt100
and this
ttymxc1::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc1 115200 vt100
to inittab to change the UART with no luck.
Could someone here point me to documentation or give me a hint to achive this?

Thanks in advance, all the Best,

Jakob Hasse
Software Developement

E: jakob.hasse@smart-home-technology.ch
T: +41 44 552 02 66 

Smart Home Technology GmbH