On 14/04/2020 02:34, Umesh Nerlige Ramappa wrote:
-         * When set globally, we use a low priority kernel context,
-         * so it will effectively take effect when idle.
-         */
-        ret = emit_oa_config(stream, config, ce,
+        ret = emit_oa_config(stream, config,
+                     stream->config_context,
                     active, false /* global */);
        if (ret)
            goto err_active;

-        ret = emit_oa_config(stream, config, ce,
+        ret = emit_oa_config(stream, config,
+                     stream->config_context,
                     active, true /* global */);

I see emit_oa_config is called twice in all places (except the for loop below). Maybe all those places, these 2 calls can be wrapped into one function.


Good point, I'll add a helper.

