One observation about this method.
It may not work for the way CI unit tests are presently behaving.

For phosphorr-networkd, I think, the unit tests insist that everything being tested be Git committed. The copy of the source file will not be. This will prevent the unit test from running. I found this requirement by the unit tests to be an irritant. I would clang-format my source, and commit.  The unit tests would do an automated reformat, causing my commit to be useless.  I'd have to recommit the source one more time to proceed.  It would be nice to eliminate/modify this requirement in the unit tests.

On 10/22/19 11:04 AM, Johnathan Mantey wrote:
You may want to delay the copy until the compile step.  For example:

    cp -f ${PROJECT_SRC_DIR}/your-header.hpp ${S}

Don't patch, simply copy over your new header into the correct directory in a do_configure_prepend (I think that's the right yocto step to overwrite, but I might be off). --
Johnathan Mantey
Senior Software Engineer
azad technology partners
Contributing to Technology Innovation since 1992
Phone: (503) 712-6764

Johnathan Mantey
Senior Software Engineer
azad technology partners
Contributing to Technology Innovation since 1992
Phone: (503) 712-6764