On 10/11/2020 17.22, Davide Marchi wrote: > Hi to all, > > I'm wondering how to create a DVD or CDROM encrypted using dm-crypt. > I've followed this tutorial, with no luck: > http://www.sourcentral.org/luks/iso9660/ > > and the DVD or cdrom created cannot be activated: Hum. I created encrypted DVD years ago with a similar procedure, somewhat simpler. Basically, I created an empty file of the same size as the CD or DVD, mounted it as a loop device, then I encrypted that loop device, and then I formatted the resulting luks device with any filesystem type I wished, typically XFS. This, so far, still works. Then I just burn that file to DVD. The final step is to mount and decipher the DVD - and this step failed, but it was an XFS error if I remember correctly. I can fish out the precise instructions if you are interested, and find out the actual error. I have a bugzilla stuck on it. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)