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From: "Yuan,Zhaoxiong" <>
To: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: "" <>,
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Subject: Re: [PATCH] sched: Optimize housekeeping_cpumask in for_each_cpu_and
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 06:44:54 +0000	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

在 2021/4/19 下午5:57,“Peter Zijlstra”<> 写入:

    On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 11:01:37PM +0800, Yuan ZhaoXiong wrote:
    > On a 128 cores AMD machine, there are 8 cores in nohz_full mode, and
    > the others are used for housekeeping. When many housekeeping cpus are
    > in idle state, we can observe huge time burn in the loop for searching
    > nearest busy housekeeper cpu by ftrace.
    >    9)               |              get_nohz_timer_target() {
    >    9)               |                housekeeping_test_cpu() {
    >    9)   0.390 us    |                  housekeeping_get_mask.part.1();
    >    9)   0.561 us    |                }
    >    9)   0.090 us    |                __rcu_read_lock();
    >    9)   0.090 us    |                housekeeping_cpumask();
    >    9)   0.521 us    |                housekeeping_cpumask();
    >    9)   0.140 us    |                housekeeping_cpumask();
    >    ...
    >    9)   0.500 us    |                housekeeping_cpumask();
    >    9)               |                housekeeping_any_cpu() {
    >    9)   0.090 us    |                  housekeeping_get_mask.part.1();
    >    9)   0.100 us    |                  sched_numa_find_closest();
    >    9)   0.491 us    |                }
    >    9)   0.100 us    |                __rcu_read_unlock();
    >    9) + 76.163 us   |              }
    > for_each_cpu_and() is a micro function, so in get_nohz_timer_target()
    > function the
    >         for_each_cpu_and(i, sched_domain_span(sd),
    >                 housekeeping_cpumask(HK_FLAG_TIMER))
    > equals to below:
    >         for (i = -1; i = cpumask_next_and(i, sched_domain_span(sd),
    >                 housekeeping_cpumask(HK_FLAG_TIMER)), i < nr_cpu_ids;)
    > That will cause that housekeeping_cpumask() will be invoked many times.
    > The housekeeping_cpumask() function returns a const value, so it is
    > unnecessary to invoke it every time. This patch can minimize the worst
    > searching time from ~76us to ~16us in my testing.
    > Similarly, the find_new_ilb() function has the same problem.
    Would it not make sense to mark housekeeping_cpumask() __pure instead?
After marking housekeeping_cpumask() __pure and then test again, the results 
proves that huge time burn in the loop for searching the nearest busy housekeeper 
still exists. 

Using objdump -D vmlinux we can see get_nohz_timer_target() disassembled code 
as below:
ffffffff810b96c0 <get_nohz_timer_target>:
ffffffff810b96c0:       e8 db 7f 94 00          callq  ffffffff81a016a0 <__fentry__>
ffffffff810b96c5:       41 57                   push   %r15
ffffffff810b96c7:       41 56                   push   %r14
ffffffff810b96c9:       41 55                   push   %r13
ffffffff810b96cb:       41 54                   push   %r12
ffffffff810b96cd:       55                      push   %rbp
ffffffff810b96ce:       53                      push   %rbx
ffffffff810b96cf:       48 83 ec 08             sub    $0x8,%rsp
ffffffff810b96d3:       65 8b 1d 56 5a f5 7e    mov    %gs:0x7ef55a56(%rip),%ebx        # f130 <cpu_number>
ffffffff810b96da:       41 89 dc                mov    %ebx,%r12d
ffffffff810b96dd:       0f 1f 44 00 00          nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
ffffffff810b96e2:       4c 63 f3                movslq %ebx,%r14
ffffffff810b96e5:       48 c7 c5 40 0b 02 00    mov    $0x20b40,%rbp
ffffffff810b96ec:       4a 8b 04 f5 20 77 13    mov    -0x7dec88e0(,%r14,8),%rax
ffffffff810b96f3:       82
ffffffff810b96f4:       49 89 ed                mov    %rbp,%r13
ffffffff810b96f7:       4c 01 e8                add    %r13,%rax
ffffffff810b96fa:       48 8b 88 90 09 00 00    mov    0x990(%rax),%rcx
ffffffff810b9701:       48 39 88 88 09 00 00    cmp    %rcx,0x988(%rax)
ffffffff810b9708:       0f 84 ce 00 00 00       je     ffffffff810b97dc <get_nohz_timer_target+0x11c>
ffffffff810b970e:       48 83 c4 08             add    $0x8,%rsp
ffffffff810b9712:       44 89 e0                mov    %r12d,%eax
ffffffff810b9715:       5b                      pop    %rbx
ffffffff810b9716:       5d                      pop    %rbp
ffffffff810b9717:       41 5c                   pop    %r12
ffffffff810b9719:       41 5d                   pop    %r13
ffffffff810b971b:       41 5e                   pop    %r14
ffffffff810b971d:       41 5f                   pop    %r15
ffffffff810b971f:       c3                      retq
ffffffff810b9720:       be 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%esi
ffffffff810b9725:       89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi
ffffffff810b9727:       e8 74 87 02 00          callq  ffffffff810e1ea0 <housekeeping_test_cpu>
ffffffff810b972c:       84 c0                   test   %al,%al
ffffffff810b972e:       75 b2                   jne    ffffffff810b96e2 <get_nohz_timer_target+0x22>
ffffffff810b9730:       e8 0b ea 03 00          callq  ffffffff810f8140 <__rcu_read_lock>
ffffffff810b9735:       48 c7 c5 40 0b 02 00    mov    $0x20b40,%rbp
ffffffff810b973c:       48 63 d3                movslq %ebx,%rdx
ffffffff810b973f:       c7 44 24 04 ff ff ff    movl   $0xffffffff,0x4(%rsp)
ffffffff810b9746:       ff
ffffffff810b9747:       48 89 e8                mov    %rbp,%rax
ffffffff810b974a:       48 03 04 d5 20 77 13    add    -0x7dec88e0(,%rdx,8),%rax
ffffffff810b9751:       82
ffffffff810b9752:       4c 8b a8 d8 09 00 00    mov    0x9d8(%rax),%r13
ffffffff810b9759:       4d 85 ed                test   %r13,%r13
ffffffff810b975c:       0f 84 d3 00 00 00       je     ffffffff810b9835 <get_nohz_timer_target+0x175>
ffffffff810b9762:       41 be ff ff ff ff       mov    $0xffffffff,%r14d
ffffffff810b9768:       4d 8d a5 38 01 00 00    lea    0x138(%r13),%r12
ffffffff810b976f:       45 89 f7                mov    %r14d,%r15d
ffffffff810b9772:       bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi
ffffffff810b9777:       e8 f4 86 02 00          callq  ffffffff810e1e70 <housekeeping_cpumask>
ffffffff810b977c:       44 89 ff                mov    %r15d,%edi
ffffffff810b977f:       48 89 c2                mov    %rax,%rdx
ffffffff810b9782:       4c 89 e6                mov    %r12,%rsi
ffffffff810b9785:       e8 b6 ea 79 00          callq  ffffffff81858240 <cpumask_next_and>
ffffffff810b978a:       3b 05 b4 4e 3e 01       cmp    0x13e4eb4(%rip),%eax        # ffffffff8249e644 <nr_cpu_ids>
ffffffff810b9790:       41 89 c7                mov    %eax,%r15d
ffffffff810b9793:       0f 83 84 00 00 00       jae    ffffffff810b981d <get_nohz_timer_target+0x15d>
ffffffff810b9799:       44 39 fb                cmp    %r15d,%ebx
ffffffff810b979c:       74 d4                   je     ffffffff810b9772 <get_nohz_timer_target+0xb2>
ffffffff810b979e:       49 63 c7                movslq %r15d,%rax
ffffffff810b97a1:       48 89 ea                mov    %rbp,%rdx
ffffffff810b97a4:       48 03 14 c5 20 77 13    add    -0x7dec88e0(,%rax,8),%rdx
ffffffff810b97ab:       82
ffffffff810b97ac:       48 8b 82 90 09 00 00    mov    0x990(%rdx),%rax
ffffffff810b97b3:       48 39 82 88 09 00 00    cmp    %rax,0x988(%rdx)
ffffffff810b97ba:       75 13                   jne    ffffffff810b97cf <get_nohz_timer_target+0x10f>
ffffffff810b97bc:       8b 42 04                mov    0x4(%rdx),%eax
ffffffff810b97bf:       85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax
ffffffff810b97c1:       75 0c                   jne    ffffffff810b97cf <get_nohz_timer_target+0x10f>
ffffffff810b97c3:       48 8b 82 20 0c 00 00    mov    0xc20(%rdx),%rax
ffffffff810b97ca:       48 85 c0                test   %rax,%rax
ffffffff810b97cd:       74 a3                   je     ffffffff810b9772 <get_nohz_timer_target+0xb2>
ffffffff810b97cf:       e8 1c 33 04 00          callq  ffffffff810fcaf0 <__rcu_read_unlock>
ffffffff810b97d4:       45 89 fc                mov    %r15d,%r12d
ffffffff810b97d7:       e9 32 ff ff ff          jmpq   ffffffff810b970e <get_nohz_timer_target+0x4e>
ffffffff810b97dc:       8b 50 04                mov    0x4(%rax),%edx
ffffffff810b97df:       85 d2                   test   %edx,%edx
ffffffff810b97e1:       0f 85 27 ff ff ff       jne    ffffffff810b970e <get_nohz_timer_target+0x4e>
ffffffff810b97e7:       48 8b 80 20 0c 00 00    mov    0xc20(%rax),%rax
ffffffff810b97ee:       48 85 c0                test   %rax,%rax
ffffffff810b97f1:       0f 85 17 ff ff ff       jne    ffffffff810b970e <get_nohz_timer_target+0x4e>
ffffffff810b97f7:       e8 44 e9 03 00          callq  ffffffff810f8140 <__rcu_read_lock>
ffffffff810b97fc:       4e 03 2c f5 20 77 13    add    -0x7dec88e0(,%r14,8),%r13
ffffffff810b9803:       82
ffffffff810b9804:       89 5c 24 04             mov    %ebx,0x4(%rsp)
ffffffff810b9808:       41 89 df                mov    %ebx,%r15d
ffffffff810b980b:       4d 8b ad d8 09 00 00    mov    0x9d8(%r13),%r13
ffffffff810b9812:       4d 85 ed                test   %r13,%r13
ffffffff810b9815:       0f 85 47 ff ff ff       jne    ffffffff810b9762 <get_nohz_timer_target+0xa2>
ffffffff810b981b:       eb 12                   jmp    ffffffff810b982f <get_nohz_timer_target+0x16f>
ffffffff810b981d:       4d 8b 6d 00             mov    0x0(%r13),%r13
ffffffff810b9821:       4d 85 ed                test   %r13,%r13
ffffffff810b9824:       0f 85 3e ff ff ff       jne    ffffffff810b9768 <get_nohz_timer_target+0xa8>
ffffffff810b982a:       44 8b 7c 24 04          mov    0x4(%rsp),%r15d
ffffffff810b982f:       41 83 ff ff             cmp    $0xffffffff,%r15d
ffffffff810b9833:       75 9a                   jne    ffffffff810b97cf <get_nohz_timer_target+0x10f>
ffffffff810b9835:       bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi
ffffffff810b983a:       e8 91 86 02 00          callq  ffffffff810e1ed0 <housekeeping_any_cpu>
ffffffff810b983f:       41 89 c7                mov    %eax,%r15d
ffffffff810b9842:       eb 8b                   jmp    ffffffff810b97cf <get_nohz_timer_target+0x10f>
ffffffff810b9844:       66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
ffffffff810b9846:       66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00    nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
ffffffff810b984d:       00 00 00

The disassembled code proves that the __pure mark does not work.

  reply	other threads:[~2021-04-20  7:32 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 10+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-04-17 15:01 [PATCH] sched: Optimize housekeeping_cpumask in for_each_cpu_and Yuan ZhaoXiong
2021-04-19  9:56 ` Peter Zijlstra
2021-04-20  6:44   ` Yuan,Zhaoxiong [this message]
2021-04-30  6:38     ` Yuan,Zhaoxiong
2021-05-20  8:36 ` Peter Zijlstra
2021-05-27  9:40 ` Peter Zijlstra
2021-05-31 10:37   ` Peter Zijlstra
2021-06-02  2:03 Yuan ZhaoXiong
2021-06-02  7:57 ` Peter Zijlstra
2021-06-06 13:11 Yuan ZhaoXiong

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