[saibal] Thanks a lot Michael. 

> If you are able to somehow gain access to the key slots in the LUKS
> header, it should be possible to decrypt the (stored) payload data, to
> the extent that the data recovery agency was able to recover the data.
> What they were not able to recover will decrypt to nonsense.
[saibal] I have couple of following question.
1) Is there a way to know, if the key slot area in the LUKS header has been recovered or not? How to recover the entire partition from there?

2) This question is for my information. As I understand, LUKS header and "key-slot" are very very critical. So, if any of these sectors get damaged then the entire partition is un-usable. Is there a backup copy of LUKS header and key slots, kept within the partition itself?

Thanks in advance.


Saibal Kumar Adhya
Debian user and Linux enthusiast.

> -- 
> Michael Kj?rling ? https://michael.kjorling.se michael@kjorling.se
>                ?People who think they know everything really annoy
>                those of us who know we don?t.? (Bjarne Stroustrup)

On Friday, August 19, 2016 2:27 PM, Saibal Kumar Adhya <saibalka@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

Dear experts,
   I had a 500GB hard disk which was encrypted using the following specification.

type:    LUKS1
cipher:  aes-xts-plain64
keysize: 512 bits
device:  /dev/sda5
offset:  4096 sectors
size:    999708672 sectors
mode:    read/write

Pass phrase is known.

Unfortunately, the hard disk crashed sometime back. It is a hardware fault. There was no backup.

A data recovery agency managed to recover 50% of the sectors. However it is unable to recover any data as the original disk was encrypted.

So now trying to figure out how to de-crypt and recover some of the data?

I'll be extremely grateful if you can provide some answer. Thanks in advance.


Saibal Kumar Adhya
Debian user and Linux enthusiast.