Keith Packard writes: With the changes to the kernel interface, and discussion about how to mask HMD outputs from X applications still ongoing, I've ripped the grabs out of the protocol and will add whatever we come up with back at some point. In any case, there are just two requests now, CreateLease and FreeLease. There are also events delivered when leases are created or destroyed so a client can see when the lease holder dies. Leases are named with XIDs so the client can tell lease has died. When the lease creator frees a lease, the actual lease (may) stay around; you don't get events on those as they no longer have an XID. The kernel doesn't (yet) support a lessor terminating a lease; I think that's something we'll probably want, so I added it to this protocol as a point of discussion. Oh, and all of the code is up and running, so this is more real than it was a couple of weeks ago. Here's the patch to the protocol and protocol headers. Once this looks reasonable, I'll send out the xcb and X server patches to match.