Hi again, Navin found a workaround: acpi=noirq (and pci=noacpi) lets me boot with the newer kernels. Attached are dmesg's from 4.7rc2 and 4.7rc5 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ (rc5 complained about missing noveau firmware; I haven't tried the newest linux-firmware package yet, but haven't yet seen anything *not* working in rc5 that was working in rc2). Other changes when using acpi=noirq that may or may not be relevant: The computer will now poweroff when I do a shutdown, and restarts correctly (it used to just "hang" at the end of the shutdown sequence), and a bluetooth device shows up that I didn't know I had. However, although I seem to be able to suspend, I can't resume (no response when hitting power button). All in all an improvement though … best regards, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer