Just a recommendation for wording: WildCard Policy is not official, only because someone used it in some book. Just call it "PolicyAuthorize" as that's the commands name. For PolicyAuthorize you will find some examples in the man-pages of the tools: https://github.com/tpm2-software/tpm2-tools/blob/61bbbb6444ea379f94bec46a36eb6512cd717632/man/tpm2_policyauthorize.1.md If you need more, search TPM-Specification Part 1 or the Internets for "PolicyAuthorize". ________________________________ From: Tommaso Corda [tommasocorda(a)hotmail.it] Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 10:07 To: Fuchs, Andreas; tpm2(a)lists.01.org Subject: R: Wildcard policies for NVindexes https://ebrary.net/24814/computer_science/flexible_wild_card_policy Flexible (Wild Card) Policy - A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0 One major problem with the TPM 1.2 design was the brittleness of PCRs. When an entity was locked to a PCR, it was not possible to change the required values of the PCR after it was so locked. ebrary.net ________________________________ Da: Fuchs, Andreas Inviato: venerdì 24 maggio 2019 10:05 A: Tommaso Corda; tpm2(a)lists.01.org Oggetto: RE: Wildcard policies for NVindexes Could you explain to me, what a Wildcard policy supposingly is ? I've never heard of this. ________________________________ From: tpm2 [tpm2-bounces(a)lists.01.org] on behalf of Tommaso Corda [tommasocorda(a)hotmail.it] Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 10:03 To: tpm2(a)lists.01.org Subject: [tpm2] Wildcard policies for NVindexes Hello everyone. Can anybody explain me how to use wildcard policies to create a NVindex and how to use a wildcard policy to access that NVindex? Thanks.