From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: Pavel Shilovsky Subject: Fwd: CIFS data coherency problem Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 10:49:13 +0400 Message-ID: References: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=005045015678572d1e048fb9e956 To: Return-path: In-Reply-To: Sender: List-ID: --005045015678572d1e048fb9e956 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=KOI8-R Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Pavel Shilovsky Date: 2010/9/8 Subject: CIFS data coherency problem To: Steve French , Jeff Layton =EB=CF=D0=C9=D1: Hello! I faced with a problem of the wrong cifs cache behavior while adapting CIFS VFS client for working with the application which uses file system as a mechanism for storing data and organizing paralell access from several client. If we look at CIFS code, we can see that it uses kernel cache mechanism all the time (do_sync_read, do_sync_write, etc) and delegate all the checking for validating data to cifs_revalidate call. cifs_revalidate call uses QueryInfo protocol command for checking mtime and file size. I noticed that the server doesn't update mtime every time we writng to the server - that's why we can't use it. On another hand CIFS spec says that the client can't use cache for if it doesn't have an oplock - if we don't follow the spec, we can faced with other problems. Even more: if we use a Windows server and the mandatory locking style, now we can read from locking by other clients range (if we have this data in cache) - it's not right. As the solution, I suggest to follow the spec in every it's part: to do cache write/read if we have Exclusive oplock, to do cache read if we have Oplock Level II and as for other cases - use direct operations with the server. I attached the test ( that shows the problem. What do you think about it? I have the code that do read/write according to the spec but I want to discuss this question before posting the patch because I think it's rather important -- Best regards, Pavel Shilovsky. --=20 Best regards, Pavel Shilovsky. --005045015678572d1e048fb9e956 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_gdttgufe1 IyEvYmluL2VudiBweXRob24KIwojIFdlIGhhdmUgdG8gbW91bnQgdGhlIHNhbWUgc2hhcmUgdG8g dGVzdCwgdGVzdDEsIHRlc3QyIGRpcmVjdG9yaWVzIHRoYXQgbG9jYXRlIGluIHRoZSBkaXJlY3Rv cnkgd2UKIyBleGVjdXRlIHRoaXMgc2NyaXB0IGZyb20uCgpmcm9tIG9zIGltcG9ydCBvcGVuLCBj bG9zZSwgT19SRFdSLCBPX0NSRUFULCB3cml0ZSwgcmVhZCwgT19SRE9OTFksIE9fV1JPTkxZLCBP X1RSVU5DLCBsc2VlawoKZiA9IG9wZW4oJ3Rlc3QvX3Rlc3Q0MzIxXycsIE9fUkRXUiB8IE9fQ1JF QVQgfCBPX1RSVU5DKQp3cml0ZShmLCAnJy5qb2luKCdhJyBmb3IgXyBpbiByYW5nZSg0MDk2KSkp CmNsb3NlKGYpCgpmMSA9IG9wZW4oJ3Rlc3QxL190ZXN0NDMyMV8nLCBPX1JEV1IpCmYyID0gb3Bl bigndGVzdDIvX3Rlc3Q0MzIxXycsIE9fUkRXUikKCndyaXRlKGYxLCAneCcpCnByaW50ICd4IGlz IHdyaXR0ZW4gdGhyb3VnaCBmMScKcHJpbnQgJyVjIGlzIHJlYWQgZnJvbSBmMicgJSByZWFkKGYy LCAxKQoKd3JpdGUoZjEsICd5JykKcHJpbnQgJ3kgaXMgd3JpdHRlbiB0aHJvdWdoIGYxJwpwcmlu dCAnJWMgaXMgcmVhZCBmcm9tIGYyJyAlIHJlYWQoZjIsIDEpCgp3cml0ZShmMSwgJ3onKQpwcmlu dCAneiBpcyB3cml0dGVuIHRocm91Z2ggZjEnCnByaW50ICclYyBpcyByZWFkIGZyb20gZjInICUg cmVhZChmMiwgMSkKCmNsb3NlKGYxKQpjbG9zZShmMikK --005045015678572d1e048fb9e956--