Hello, erveryone,
   I try to compile and start the Mini-OS wm which is in the xen-4.0.0 srouce code. I have setup a disk in the config file (e.g. disk = [ 'file:/root/tmp/mdisk,hda,r' ] ). According to the README file, the Mini-OS should loop reading the "mdisk" file. However, when I start the vm, it quit and can not read the file. Is there some bug in the Mini-OS source code? Or I have a bad operation? Thanks.

   The output message of starting the Mini-OS:

[root@localhost mini-os]# xm create domain_config  -c
Using config file "./domain_config".
Started domain Mini-OS (id=14)
Domain has already finished
Could not start console

   The whole config file is:
kernel = "mini-os.gz"
memory = 32
name = "Mini-OS"
on_crash = 'destroy'

disk = [ 'file:/root/tmp/mdisk,hda,r' ]

Thanks a lot.