[?2018/?10/?15 18:15] Bin Lu (Arm Technology China): root@entos1:/go/src/github.com/google/gvisor# uname -p aarch64 root@entos1:/go/src/github.com/google/gvisor# docker run --runtime=runsc hello-world W1010 17:46:16.510561 30359 x:0] Could not parse /proc/cpuinfo, it is empty or does not contain cpu MHz W1010 17:46:16.537007 30370 x:0] Could not parse /proc/cpuinfo, it is empty or does not contain cpu MHz W1010 17:46:16.556919 30370 x:0] Could not parse /proc/cpuinfo, it is empty or does not contain cpu MHz Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.