I got a minimal audit.rules file containing:

    # cat -n /etc/audit/audit.rules
    1  -D
    3  -b 8192
    5  -e 0
    7  -a always,exclude -F msgtype=CWD
    9  -w /etc/sysctl.conf -p wa -k sysctl

When I restart auditd I get:

    # /etc/init.d/auditd restart
    Restarting audit daemon: auditd Error sending add rule request (Operation not supported)
    There was an error in line 7 of /etc/audit/audit.rules

instructions like `-a always,exclude -F msgtype=CWD` seems to be very popular in example all over the internet. I don't understand why I get the error.

I use auditd `1:1.7.18-1.1` on debian 7 

What should I do to make this filter work?
