On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 10:57 AM Thomas Hill via lists.yoctoproject.org <tom.hill=inbox.lv@lists.yoctoproject.org> wrote:
Hi Martin!

On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 02:28 PM, Martin Jansa wrote:
is an example where it triggers this error, but doesn't trigger the more common host-user-contaminated QA error (unless you happened to use UID 1001 on host for the user running bitbake).
I have here a similar problem with one of my own packages. It happens that my bitbake user uses UID 1001. Do you have more information why this is a problem? Should it be enough to change the UID to 1002 to get everything running?

No, you should chown the files to be owned by the expected user which exists in the image (probably root like in my commit). Changing the UID of the user on host is very bad work around (as it will fail for the next person building the same image with host user 1001.