>  I still can't send the resulting two files via git send-email (the final step), as I would have to do a significant amount of configuration in my _personal_ gmail account in order to use git send-email to send the final patch.

FWIW: I'm also using my gmail account and the configuration was quite simple, install msmtp, create app password in google security settings, write it in ~/.msmtprc and git send-email works fine (the only issue is that I'm seeing each sent e-mail twice, once as sent by me and once the same e-mail received through ML).


On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 3:30 AM Robert Henz via lists.openembedded.org <robert_henz=jabil.com@lists.openembedded.org> wrote:

I have confirmed your patch worked for me. Perhaps the documentation should also be updated to indicate that remotes need to be cloned/added using the https protocol?

I still can't send the resulting two files via git send-email (the final step), as I would have to do a significant amount of configuration in my _personal_ gmail account in order to use git send-email to send the final patch. I will attach the resulting two files here and perhaps that will be sufficient for someone to begin reviewing my actual PR.


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