Hi Arman,

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 7:11 AM, Gu, Chao Jie <chao.jie.gu@intel.com> wrote:
Hi Arman,

> Explain to me how, using only the InterfacesAdded signal, an
> application can know that all characteristic objects under a service
> hierarchy have been added? The only way is if the external application
> already knows about service it's interacting with, which is not the
> case if you're building a generic application API on top of
> bluetoothd. Without what I'm proposing, you can't build a generic GATT
> application API without requiring cumbersome event handling for each
> service, characteristic, and descriptor object as they get added and
> have only partial access to these objects in the handlers as the
> objects are getting processed. This might be fine for low-level
> applications that interact with D-Bus directly, but for higher level
> app developers this is a real issue that we want to handle properly
> and make their lives easier.
Im just wondering why we did not use variant type instead of array of bytes for value, imo it seems a better fit since it can be extended with different types in host byte order.
You are right, we work on Tizen Bluetooth-frwk which is low-level service/application in system . Bluetooth-frwk can take a role to handle D-Bus informaiton and give defined API to application such as characteristic discovery method, so we refer to different level application indeed.
>From your aspect, I understood that you consider that high level app developer how to get characteristic array directly from bluetoothd. .

Tizen has to follow BlueZ design, you can offer a C binding for it exposing the exact same (or a subset) of the D-Bus API, anything other than that will cause a maintenance burden in your end. 

Luiz Augusto von Dentz