I was searching a way to clone a machine using both memory and disk approach.
I checked xen save/restore but after restoring, I can only work some seconds with my machine and it will crash with the_kernel_task_hang_up.
using an script* to clone a machine is not working either.
so is it a bug or something or I'm cloning the wrong way?


: ${2? "Usage: $0 <domain> <destination>"}
echo "$1 is source domain id";
echo "$2 is the destination file to store the image";
xl save -p $1 $2 ;
lvremove -f /dev/vg0/vm-clone-lv;
lvcreate -L10G -s -n vm-clone-lv /dev/vg0/orig-vm ;
xl restore -e -p /etc/xen/vm-clone.cfg $2;
xl unpause $1;
