Hello Quentin,

I made some progress to build casync as host-casync. I modified casync.mk file to include "HOST_CASYNC_DEPENDENCIES = host-acl host-libcurl host-openssl" below "CASYNC_DEPENDENCIES = acl libcurl openssl". And also added BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CASYNC=YES to config. Then if I run make host-casync it results in 

make[1]: * No rule to make target 'host-libfuse'

I think this is related to below DEPENDENCY in casync.mk file:
CASYNC_CONF_OPTS += -Dfuse=true
CASYNC_CONF_OPTS += -Dfuse=false

But I have selected BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFUSE=y in menuconfig. What else should be selected for "fuse"?

Can you please let me know how to set up buildroot to use build machine libs?

Thanks in advance.

On Fri, 1 Apr 2022 at 14:29, Sourabh Hegde <hrsourabh011@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Quentin,

I assume you need this at build time then since you are talking about
binary for the host system. In that case, you need to add host-casync to
your config.

However, casync is currently a target-only package.

If I understand correctly, then as of now Buildroot can't be used to create casync host package. 

$(eval $(host-meson-package))

at the end of the package/casync/casync.mk file.

I will try this solution.

But what could be the other alternative to work with casync? 

Thanks in advance

On Fri, 1 Apr 2022 at 13:54, Quentin Schulz <quentin.schulz@theobroma-systems.com> wrote:
Hi Sourabh,

On 4/1/22 13:41, Sourabh Hegde wrote:
> Hello Quentin,
> make casync
>> if you want it in an image created by Buildroot, modify your config with
>> make menuconfig and save your changes, then run make.
> But will this create binary for host system also? Sorry, its bit confusing
> here.

No, host packages and target packages are compiled with a different keyword.

make casync is for target package
make host-casync is for host package

> I need casync tool use with "rauc" as given in
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__rauc.readthedocs.io_en_latest_advanced.html-23creating-2Dcasync-2Dbundles&d=DwIFaQ&c=_sEr5x9kUWhuk4_nFwjJtA&r=LYjLexDn7rXIzVmkNPvw5ymA1XTSqHGq8yBP6m6qZZ4njZguQhZhkI_-172IIy1t&m=AiN2bNa5EFj79y22K554djuFBBXe_MMEIRS1-gwEsbw3ch69jBq4q9j0tm_wz1V8&s=6mSs1PkEXKk01AMnuQKyCAPV0A9euTiPrj_bP4mGHJ0&e=
> When I do "rauc convert --cert=<certfile> --key=<keyfile>
> --keyring=<keyring> conventional-bundle.raucb casync-bundle.raucb"

I assume you need this at build time then since you are talking about
binary for the host system. In that case, you need to add host-casync to
your config.

However, casync is currently a target-only package.

To create a host package, you need at the very least to add:

$(eval $(host-meson-package))

at the end of the package/casync/casync.mk file.

This might not be enough and might require some additional tweaks to the
package makefile.
