I was able to resolve the problem with the help of a coworker today, by booting from the grub command line, then using grub-mkconfig to create a configuration file, put it in /boot/grub2, then use a .bbappend file to ensure that it would continue to be included in my image. Ron Oakes On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 3:35 PM Ronald Oakes wrote: > Well, I partially solved my problem. It turns out I had a CD in the > computer with an old boot image on it that was loading and causing > great confusion. > > Now, grub appears to be loading OK, but doesn't look like it has a > valid configuration to actually boot the image loaded onto the hard > drive. > > My commands (based on the link in my first email) were: > - Format the hard drive using mkfs.ex4 -L > - Mount it (usually by just unplugging and replugging the USB to SATA > adaptor) > - Copy the data from the mounted image file using cp -aV > - Add grub using "grub2-install --recheck > --boot-directory=/run/media/ron/