Thanks for the quick responses.   It took us a while to figure out why we were seeing weird behaviour with our products, and we ultimately figured out the conffiles are being replaced during the update.   I am working off of Hardknott currently, so that's my mistake not switching to master.  And I guess I misunderstood who is allowed to "sign off" on patches. I assumed I couldn't since I'm not a regular. But in any case, it looks like Ross Burton may be on to a better solution than what I have to fix the issue. 


On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 8:09 AM Ross Burton <> wrote:
> So we’re definitely not generating the DEBIAN/md5sums files that dpkg-deb likes to have. However, this file in proper Debian packages doesn’t contain hashes for the conffiles, so I can only imagine that dpkg generates them on install, which leads to the question of where that is meant to happen.

dpkg —configure does this, but we’re neutering it by renaming all foo.dpkg-new files to foo in the deb install() function.

If we’re going to rename foo.dpkg-new to foo, then that is where we go and update the status file.

Alternatively, we don’t do that, and every package needs to run its configure step on first boot.

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