Hi, I'm using a TuxOnIce enabled kernel, and recently moved from 3.7.1 to 3.8.3. The former used to work nicely, but now I get a hard crash when I try to hibernate. This is solely related to TuxOnIce as it does not happen in the default hibernation. I know this is an unsupported out of tree patch, but can you please help me debug it or point in the right direction? Unfortunately as this was a kernel crash all I have are crappy photos, but they do show a readable stack trace: img18[dot]imageshack[dot]us/img18/395/imag0228hp[dot]jpg img13[dot]imageshack[dot]us/img13/4375/imag0231p[dot]jpg (I removed the HTTP part and the dots off the links else it would bounce back from the list) Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Pedro