Hello, OpenBMC Mailing List, We're working on a GUI tool that allows the user to capture and visualize BMC IPMI requests. The tool accepts 2 kinds of inputs: 1) Load a DBus traffic dump file generated by dbus-monitor on the BMC 2) Capture IPMI requests on the BMC -- the tool connects to the BMC console by launching a program of the the user's choice (example: ssh or telnet), then starts "dbus-monitor" on the BMC and checks its outputs for DBus calls on the IPMI daemon and then draws the IPMI requests on the canvas accordingly. In both ways, this tool operates on data that originate on the BMC (so it's different from host-side IPMI capture tools.) The tool makes minimal use of electron.js and should be able to run on multiple operating systems. We hope this tool might be useful for those who work on OpenBMC. What I'm not sure is: do I need to have this accessible on a repo managed by my Company first so OpenBMC can review it, or can I request to create a repo for this tool under openbmc-tools now --- provided that OpenBMC is okay with adding this tool? A screenshot is attached to illustrate what it does: [image: scrnshot_compressed.png] Thanks a lot! Sui