
We have a MPC7410 based board and we are trying to port Linux on the same.

the Board Architecture/UART connection is as follows

MPC7410 ---> MPC107(PCI Bridge) ---> PLX9052(PCI->Local Bus Bridge) ---> UART
The address mapping is as follows

PLX9052 @       0xDB00_0000
UART @           0xDB00_0100
FLASH @         0xFF00_0000
RAM @            0x0

We have to port Linux 2.6.24( default one with ELDK4.2).

as we don't have a debugger, we are using (my_reset) function which simply resets the board.

We have uboot up and running. we are downloading uImage to RAM location @0x800000 and JMP to 0x80000

Linux is executing till setup_arch() call in the start_kernel() function.

We are facing some issue in page_init() call; also on setting the BAT registers.(which is done at platform_init)

Anyone got any clue how to set the BAT for MPC7410 ?