Or should I modify the linux kernel to add support for handling #VE exception?

2016-09-02 16:35 GMT+08:00 Big Strong <fangtuo90@gmail.com>:
Sorry for that. Could you give any suggestions on how to register the IRQ handler for #VE?

2016-09-02 15:52 GMT+08:00 Jan Beulich <JBeulich@suse.com>:
>>> On 02.09.16 at 04:59, <fangtuo90@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm recently trying to utilize the virtualization exception (#VE) feature.
> As the document says, #VE is handled by guest interrupt handler. The IRQ
> number of #VE is 20. However, when I tried to register an IRQ handler for
> #VE, it returns errno -22, which means invalid arguments.
> request_irq(20, ve_handler, IRQF_NO_SUSPEND, "ve", NULL)
> Is there anything wrong?

You're mixing up exception vectors and IRQ numbers.
