Hello list, I am attempting to run openindiana 151a in xen (xen 2.4-unstable rev 24785, patched with this patch ), but when attempting to create the VM I get the following error: *root@dom0:/$xl create /etc/xen/vm/oi.cfg* *Parsing config file /etc/xen/vm/oi.cfg* *libxl: error: libxl_create.c:494:do_domain_create: failed to run bootloader: -3* Here is my oi.cfg file: * vif = [ 'bridge=eth0, mac=00:14:3e:00:8f:d8' ] * * * * vcpus = 2* * cpus = "2-3"* * memory = 2048* * name = "oi"* * * * kernel = "/etc/xen/kernels/oi151a/unix"* * ramdisk = "/etc/xen/kernels/oi151a/boot_archive"* * * *# Pre install booting* * extra = "/platform/i86xpv/kernel/amd64/unix -B console=ttya"* * disk = [ 'file:/mnt/media/comp_files/os-iso/oi151a.iso,xvdc:cdrom,r' , 'phy:/dev/dom0/oi_boot,xvda,w' ]* * bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"* * * *# Post install booting* *# extra = "/platform/i86xpv/kernel/amd64/unix -B zfs-bootfs=rpool/ROOT/openindiana,bootpath=/xpvd/xdf@51712:a"* *# disk = [ 'phy:/dev/dom0/oi_boot,xvda,w' ]* * * * on_shutdown = "destroy"* * on_reboot = "restart"* * on_crash = "destroy"* * * * pci = [ '05:00.0' ]* As a test, I checked if pygrub has any errors: *root@dom0:/$pygrub /mnt/media/comp_files/os-iso/oi151a.iso * *linux (kernel /var/run/xend/boot/boot_kernel.RomUm9)(ramdisk /var/run/xend/boot/boot_ramdisk.WdnQsz)(args "/platform/i86xpv/kernel/amd64/unix")* I am assuming that pygrub can correctly handle the install media. The irony is that I have managed to get this working once, but I was using a regular file image for this VM boot_disk and the VM was horribly slow. I re-installed my whole system on an LVM disk, which I understand is recommended for better disk performance. I would appreciate any suggestions. Regards Sandi