So this is now a different failure mode to the one which you originally
reported (pygrub failed)?

I am not sure if it is a different fault.
It started with the bootloader: -3 error. In my search to find the possible cause for this error, I found that there was a connection with the vif line in my config file.
I have tried two different methods of starting the vm (one with pybrub and the second without), and if my memory serves me right, removing the vif from the config file resulted in the vm operating as it should.

With the bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub" line in the file, the vm boots if the vif line is not there, and causes the bootloader: -3 error when the vif line is present.
Without the bootloader line, using kernel, ramdisk and extra options, the vm starts to boot. However, if the vif line is present, the install pauses and stops at approximately 28 CPU seconds (in my case), which is midway through its hardware detection procedure. The vm just stays in b state. Without the vif line, the vm boots all the way without pausing at the 28 CPU seconds.

What does your guest config look like now that you have resolved the
pygrub issue?

 I will send you the two different cfg files I have used, when I get home later.

Can you provide a full log of the failing boot with a vif enabled to the
point of the hang?

Will do this later too.
Are your hotplug scripts set up properly?

That I dont know, I have not dealt with these scripts yet since beginning my 'adventures' with xen.
How do I know if they are correct, or if they need to be modified?

What does "brctl show" say while the guest is running (with the vif

What does "xenstore-ls -fp" show while the guest is sat waiting?

I will also try get these outputs to you later.

I can only find oi-dev-151a-x86.iso and oi-dev-151a-text-x86.iso here
(and the usb stick equivalents).
It is the oi-dev-151a-x86.iso. I just renamed it to shorten the name a bit. 


So, what I am trying to determine is whether the vif problems I see are related to the bootloader/pygrub error I get.

I get the feeling like there is something missing in my Debian Dom0; libreries, some program(s) or something else. But I dont know what......

Thanks for your help so far in this matter, I appreciate the time you are taking to do this.

