Group, I am not sure if this is the right terminology but this is what I am trying to do: Power up a headless device. If it does not get an ethernet or wifi connection, it launches AP mode of some sort and allows a device to connect then configure the wifi connection by selecting an AP and typing in a password. This works with hostapd/dsnmasq, currently. I want to switch over to connman and/or iwd to do this, but have not been successful in doing this. If I set up connman by: "# connmanctl tether wifi on SSID password" I can connect and 'see' my new SSID, but I cannot scan for any APs to set up. I do not know how to set the SSID IP address, if this has been enabled in connman. I have tried with iwctl as well: set up /etc/iwd/main.conf [General] EnableNetworkConfiguration=true APRanges= # iwctl device wlan0 set-property Mode ap # iwctl ap wlan0 start SSID password With this I can connect, but once again, I cannot scan for any available SSIDs to connect to. It is not important that I be able to connect, but I do need to see the SSIDs so the user can set it up then reboot (or restart connman/iwd) to connect to the new 'known' SSID. Thanks, Keith