I currently use iwd with NetworkManager on a couple laptops running Arch Linux. I also am working on an RPI project with connman/iwd managing network interfaces. Currently, if we use the connman interface to scan with iwd, we never get a return: "connmanctl scan wifi" just hangs and requires a ctrlC. This was noted on the Arch connman page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ConnMan#Error_/net/connman/technology/wifi:_Not_supported On my rpi project, we are using nginx/php to set it all up and we use the 'iwd station wlan0 scan' then 'connmanctl services' to select SSIDs. I asked on the connman list and Daniel says that connman is waiting for a 0. Scanning is supported with iwd. connmanctl scan is probably waiting for iwd to respond with the scanning=0 signal. If iwd doesn't send out this signal then this will hang. Don't know if it is a connman or an iwd 'issue', but wanted to bring it up here to see. Keith