i want to revive the topic over the problem RTSER_RTIOC_WAIT_EVENT while compiling cross-link.c program. I cann't resolve my problem after doing some solution given by the others

Loading module:
insmod ./xeno_16550A.ko io=0x3f8,0x2f8 irq=4,3 tx_fifo=10,20 start_index=0 (i have two serial ports on my pc)

running crosslink test:
main : write-file opened
main : write-config written
main : read-file opened
main : read-config written
main : write-task created
main : read-task created
main : starting write-task
main : starting read-task
 Nr |   write->irq    |    irq->read    |   write->read   |
read_task: error on RTSER_RTIOC_WAIT_EVENT, Connection timed out
read_task: error on RTSER_RTIOC_WAIT_EVENT, Connection timed out

running test:
cat /proc/xenomai/irq
IRQ         CPU0
  3:        1089         rtser1
  4:        5155         rtser0
33033:           0         [IPI0]
33036:     1484080         [timer]
33037:           0         [critical sync]
33090:    11882308         [virtual]
the values increased with time. 


configuration :  linux 2.6.38 and xenomai 2.6