don't like the merging of base lists with extended lists, as it adds
a dependency between how we represent that, and implies that we have a
published plugin interface, which we definitely don't, nor do we want
to maintain it at the entity manager level.  It also means that
upstream never tests the "extended" list, which means it's a lot more
likely to break.
My stance on devices added to the extended list is the same as devices added by downstream patches. Upstream maintainers aren't responsible for testing those, if you're patching in devices then you take the responsibility of testing those.
My objective is to make it so devices that we don't want to upstream yet can be maintained more easily.
First idea was a json file that extends types/lists but there are concerns with runtime parsing for devices for the purposes of exposing telemetry (I'd think runtime parsing of things like PID configurations would be more worrisome).
So second idea was just to move data structures around in dbus-sensors/PSUSensor to make upstream changes less likely to result in merge conflicts for those who are maintaining downstream patches. Furthermore just split the data structure up into a portion that is upstream and downstream.
Yes, it's definitely making it friendlier for those who want to maintain downstream patches to extend devices. I don't see how this increases maintenance or testing burden for the maintainers though. 
If however , the intent is to explicitly send the message 
"You shouldn't try to use this service for any devices that do not have explicit upstream support. Any patches that make it easier to do so will be rejected."
then I agree with your earlier suggestion that maybe the best approach is to create another service for those devices.

I originally wrote a big long idea about how to make the above work,
but got to the end, and realized that I'm still trying to understand
what we're trying to avoid here with the downstream/upstream lists
thing.  It's easy enough to patch the existing list to add your new
custom types, then when it comes time to merge because the
project/component is public, the patch is ready and good to upstream.
What are we buying by moving that info to a non-patch format? 
You get the benefit of separating devices into two classes..
(1) types that are upstream , have been tested by someone else and they are ready to go without additional work. 
(2) types that are not upstream, because the devices are not public yet or may never be public and need to be kept downstream for a long period of time (or forever).
I think
moving it to a file means it's a lot less likely to be upstreamed, as
it requires the next person to understand it to use it, and modify the
patch rather than simply cleaning up the commit message, testing it,
and firing it at gerrit. 
Yes, the file would be for those things that are never meant to be upstreamed or won't be upstreamed for a long while. 
Having done this pattern many times
(including with that list specifically) I think the only thing we
could improve would be to move that list to its own file (but still
C++ code), so it gets fewer merge conflicts, and you can completely
replace it if you like, but even that doesn't solve the problem if
code is never upstreamed.  
Yup, the problem here are the following
"I have patches I keep downstream and they keep getting broken whenever the types/device list gets updated. I wish these data structures were in a file that doesn't get patched often"
"I have patches to add devices to the type/list data structure and I can't upstream them for a long time (or ever). I don't want to waste time constantly fixing my broken patches everytime someone adds a new public supported type."
Both approaches (parsing json and extending the list runtime and separating the data structs into a separate file + returning the union of base + extended) accomplish the same thing. One requires a recipe to copy a ExtendPSUSensorConfig.json in a recipe somewhere to usr/share/PSUSensors (or something) and the other is just a patch that gets applied. Talking it through, I now realize that the slight code refactoring approach is a lot less work and a lot more simple..and something that I'd actually have time to contribute.

Have you filed a bug, or asked on the mailing list before now?  This
is the kind of feedback the authors of that sensor need (Ideally
before you move over to another subsystem like hwmontemp). 
I never really considered hwmontemp a different sub-system since they live in the same repo and seemed to be more specific towards monitoring temperature telemetry.
As far as bugs go, I CC'ed Alex Qiu who has more experience with the performance of PSUSensors. I haven't personally ran into this problem; just know about it from talk amongst the larger team. 
If I
didn't see your message/bug and you did post it, I apologize, I'm not
trying to call you out.
If you have specifics, like the value of N, and the details around
what chips you're interacting with and whatever debugging you've done,
it would be helpful to put that in a bug for triage.
Alex, maybe you can add some color here? 
Keep in mind, PSUSensor by default has a 1 second scan rate.
If it's not obeying that, clearly there's a bug to fix somewhere.
On some platforms, I have seen very high rate polling of power values
on the PSU I2c bus by other devices, and that tends to hold up
transactions for other components.  If that bus is misbehaving or
overloaded on your platform, it might have triggered a weird condition
within the PSU sensor (like the scans taking longer than the scan
If you have any more details here, it's quite possible someone will
have an idea where to look, or know exactly where the problem is.