*Problem:* There is a use case where temp1_input should be omitted from being exposed to dbus. A concrete example is if you have a temp sensor with 10 channels but only want to expose 2..10. Currently dbus/hwmontemp doesn't allow this. *Solution:* In order to maintain backwards compatibility I am proposing an OmitList attribute that hwmontemp will attempt to retrieve. If the "Name"s of any temp sensor appears in the list, it will be skip sensor creation. I am proposing a list to support other use cases such as... * you're doing BMC development and for whatever reason want to temporarily suppress a temperature and do some tests..you can add it to this list and then remove it instead of deleting and re-inserting. * lets you have non-contiguous temp sensors exposed (e.g temp2_input, temp5_input, temp7_input) . There is a better solution to this; but for now this enables this use-case. *etc..* It's a simple feature; plan to have something within O(hours).