Sorry for my disturbance! my disk with btrfs filesystem tell me it doesn't have enough free space: ``` $ sudo btrfs fi df / Data, single: total=448.02GiB, used=427.74GiB System, DUP: total=8.00MiB, used=64.00KiB Metadata, DUP: total=8.80GiB, used=6.39GiB GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B $ sudo btrfs fi usage / Overall: Device size: 465.64GiB Device allocated: 465.63GiB Device unallocated: 1.00MiB Device missing: 0.00B Used: 440.54GiB Free (estimated): 20.26GiB (min: 20.26GiB) Data ratio: 1.00 Metadata ratio: 2.00 Global reserve: 512.00MiB (used: 0.00B) Multiple profiles: no Data,single: Size:448.02GiB, Used:427.76GiB (95.48%) /dev/sda2 448.02GiB Metadata,DUP: Size:8.80GiB, Used:6.39GiB (72.60%) /dev/sda2 17.60GiB System,DUP: Size:8.00MiB, Used:64.00KiB (0.78%) /dev/sda2 16.00MiB Unallocated: /dev/sda2 1.00MiB $ sudo btrfs fi show / Label: none uuid: 644a9e91-5e05-4f5d-a79b-e0eccd21a1a8 Total devices 1 FS bytes used 434.14GiB devid 1 size 465.64GiB used 465.63GiB path /dev/sda2 $ df -Th Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on devtmpfs devtmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 3.9G 46M 3.8G 2% /dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs 3.9G 3.9M 3.9G 1% /run /dev/sda2 btrfs 466G 442G 21G 96% / tmpfs tmpfs 3.9G 204K 3.9G 1% /tmp /dev/sda1 vfat 128M 125M 2.9M 98% /boot tmpfs tmpfs 785M 16K 785M 1% /run/user/994 tmpfs tmpfs 785M 80K 785M 1% /run/user/1000 ``` however, i try to use gdu to scan my disk. it tell me ``` $ sudo gdu / gdu ~ Use arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help --- / --- 49.9 GiB [##### ] /usr 15.1 GiB [# ] /home 11.1 GiB [# ] /opt 6.5 GiB [ ] /var 930.8 MiB [ ] /lib 124.9 MiB [ ] /boot 55.2 MiB [ ] /root 50.6 MiB [ ] /etc 27.1 MiB [ ] /sbin 23.5 MiB [ ] /lib64 10.9 MiB [ ] /bin . 312.0 KiB [ ] /tmp 20.0 KiB [ ] /mnt e 4.0 KiB [ ] /srv e 4.0 KiB [ ] /tftproot @ 4.0 KiB [ ] media Total disk usage: 83.8 GiB Apparent size: 78.4 GiB Items: 2424046 Sorting by: size desc ``` 427.76GiB or 83.8 GiB! i know btrfs is a CoW filesystem, which means it will cost more space to store a file. but the gap is too large, which it is hard to accept the fact. who can tell me what happened to my disk? and how can i do to rescue my hard disk? the rest free space is not enough. if i cannot find the solution, maybe i should format my hard disk to get more free space. thanks. there are some information which maybe useful. ``` $ uname -r 5.11.7-gentoo-x86_64 $ btrfs --version btrfs-progs v5.9 $ dmesg > dmesg.txt && wgetpaste -s dpaste dmesg.txt Pasting > 25 kB often tend to fail with dpaste. Use --verbose or --debug to see the error output from wget if it fails. Alternatively use another pastebin service. Your paste can be seen here: ```