On 26 March 2015 at 12:58, Junling Zheng wrote: > This problem is that sometimes the magic.h wouldn't be generated again by > magic.h.in if there > is already an original magic.h, and we may get an unexpected header file. > libmagic_la_SOURCES = magic.c apprentice.c softmagic.c ascmagic.c \ encoding.c compress.c is_tar.c readelf.c print.c fsmagic.c \ funcs.c file.h readelf.h tar.h apptype.c \ file_opts.h elfclass.h mygetopt.h cdf.c cdf_time.c readcdf.c cdf.h The problem is that the makefile doesn't actually say that the magic binaries depend on magic.h, so make is perfectly reasonably to build the binaries and then re-generate the makefile. The correct fix here is to add magic.h to libmagic_la_SOURCES. Ross