On 1 February 2017 at 20:28, Wilde, DonaldX wrote: > Unfortunately, what happens is that somewhere along the line after the > initial patch and compilation, something in our image gets radically > corrupted. With IMAGE_INCLUDE += “iperf3” set, the image is corrupted. > Horrible results occur including that much of our NVRAM content becomes > invisible and we get dumped into some kind of emergency debugging shell > after about 6.3 seconds. > ... > starting pid 1363, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS' > > can't run '/etc/init.d/rcS': No such file or directory > IMAGE_INCLUDE isn't a standard variable, so either you typo'd that or it's a variable that your images use. Either way, your error is basically "the rootfs is bust" so it's quite possible that by assigning to IMAGE_INCLUDE from your local.conf may be overriding the default value (set by ?=). For example, if you meant IMAGE_INSTALL then image.bbclass uses IMAGE_INSTALL ?= so by doing +=iperf3, you're building an image that *just* contains iperf3. Try using IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " iperf3". Ross