Thanks Martin. Will look into it.

On Thu, 10 Feb 2022, 18:30 Martin Doucha, <> wrote:
On 10. 02. 22 13:54, Cyril Hrubis wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently there are no tests for KVM in LTP, however Martin Doucha is
> working on some CVE reproducers and send a RFC while ago (added to CC).

You can find the RFC patch below. I've rewritten a large chunk of the
code in the mean time and the example CVE reproducer doesn't actually
work (the setup is incomplete so it passes even when it shouldn't) but
I'm getting close to something that actually works. You can expect the
first finished version before the end of the month.

Martin Doucha
QA Engineer for Software Maintenance
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.
Krizikova 148/34
186 00 Prague 8
Czech Republic