Hello Cam, 

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Cam Macdonell <cam@cs.ualberta.ca> wrote:
I'm not sure which is the correct approach.  You could either do what you did or you could simply remove the qemu_chr_fe_claim_no_fail() from ivshmem.c.  I'm not sure how your change impacts other devices.

Actually, the first thing I tried, when I encountered the problem, was to remove qemu_chr_fe_claim_no_fail(), and it worked.

In HEAD, ivshmem seems to be the only place where qemu_chr_open_eventfd() is used :
$ git grep qemu_chr_open_eventfd
hw/misc/ivshmem.c:    chr = qemu_chr_open_eventfd(eventfd);
include/sysemu/char.h:CharDriverState *qemu_chr_open_eventfd(int eventfd);
qemu-char.c:CharDriverState *qemu_chr_open_eventfd(int eventfd)

I suppose my change is not that impacting :-)

David Marchand