Ok thanks. Let me know if you get to see the same issue on say qemuarm or qemuarm64

On Jul 7, 2016 1:04 PM, "Trevor Woerner" <twoerner@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu 2016-07-07 @ 09:27:30 AM, Khem Raj wrote:
> Is it specific to x86-64

Up to this point I've only been focused on x86-64, but now that I have things
cleared up on that arch, I'll be working on aarch64 to see how that goes.

My "solution" for the time-being is to simply pull in the glibc_2.23 recipes
into my build and set GLIBCVERSION to match. At some point I'll be trying to
bisect the glibc commits themselves to see if I can find anything conclusive
(but, as always, that'll take some time).