On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 10:40 AM Petr Vorel <petr.vorel@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Richard, Khem,

> I was able to confirm that fts is in the recipe sysroot and that the
> compile step is running "make -j 88 LIBC=musl LIBS=-lfts", i.e. its
> being passed in to ltp. Beyond that I'm a little out my depth to know
> how/why its not ending up where it should unfortunately. At least the
> issue does appear to reproduce though...
Is there a way to compile only LTP and the necessary build dependencies?

if I run this:
. oe-init-build-env
MACHINE=qemuarm TCLIBC=musl bitbake ltp

It takes ages and compiles many things (gnutls, iptables, expat, procps, tar, ...).

Yeah first time it will have to build all the dependencies unfortunately but thereafter it should be incremental 

Your command is right to build ltp only for musl 

Kind regards,