
I was experimenting on an application on top of OpenBMC. But apparently there seems to be a memory leak that I'm not able to narrow down. 
I am trying to build the image with Valgrind to analyze the error. But valgrind is not identified as a compatible host. 

Error observed: 

bash-4.1$ bitbake valgrind

Loading cache: 100% |#######################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00

Loaded 2753 entries from dependency cache.

Parsing recipes: 100% |#####################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01

Parsing of 2046 .bb files complete (2045 cached, 1 parsed). 2755 targets, 380 skipped, 6 masked, 0 errors.

ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'valgrind'

ERROR: valgrind was skipped: incompatible with host arm-openbmc-linux-gnueabi (not in COMPATIBLE_HOST)

I tried to meddle with the COMPATIBLE_HOST variables in the bb file present in:

But it seems to throw some errors with respect to certain assembly instructions. 

Any pointers would be helpful. 
