Unassigned is the way to go, yes. All recipe updates (or failed attempts to do so) are nowadays posted here, so they can be picked up by anyone interested.

Thanks for your work (of the highest quality), and totally understandable that you don't want to spend time on something you do not use.


On Mon, 14 Dec 2020 at 20:07, Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@iki.fi> wrote:

I haven't lately had time to do OE work, or maybe the lack of time is
more rooted in lack of motivation since I don't objectively have a very
busy life, but in any case, I think it's time for me to step down as a
recipe maintainer. When in 2015 I transitioned from being paid for the
work to a volunteer, I had plans to use OE in hobby projects, but those
projects haven't materialized, so I don't really have any connection to
OE other than being a recipe maintainer. My experience of the community
has been very positive, it has always been nice to work with you, thank
you for that!

Should I post a maintainers.inc patch that changes all my recipes to to
unassigned, or should they or some of them be directly transferred to
someone else?

I will still post some patches for pulseaudio that convert the recipe
from autotools to meson. I've had them ready since the last feature
freeze, and I intended to submit them today, but I found out (as I read
the mailing list for the first time in three months) that the recipe
has had a major version update, so I'll have to redo some tests first.
