Hi Richard,

Many thanks for your explanation.

For now i think is better to drop this pacth and will resend it when I have a solution.

Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org> escreveu no dia terça, 26/01/2021 à(s) 00:04:
On Mon, 2021-01-25 at 23:52 +0000, Jose Quaresma wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> librt.so is part of the glibc and are allays present on staging
> sysroot.
> how does the cmake can find the librt.so outside of the sysroot if it
> are present on that.
> The problem is at:
> https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/blob/b27b1afd12d05bf238ac7368bb49de73cd620a8e/source/CMakeLists.txt#L397
> Probably I need to force the find_library to search first on

I think somehow we need to replace the full sysroot path with a
variable, or make cmake do that itself if we can. It may be possible to
have cmake evaluate the variable with reference to the sysroot too but
that is likely more complex. I'm afraid cmake isn't one of my strong

I will look at this to see what can be changed in the cmake.bbclass to achieve
your suggestion.

We do have a second issue too the autobuilder has shown up:


Does something in glslang or spriv-tools use precompiled headers? We
had problems with that in the vulkan-samples recipe that looked like
this (a cmake based C++ project where there were changes in the
debug_loc section) so we may need to disable PCH here too...

Yes, I think there are the glslang that have precompiled headers enabled.
I will investigate this issue and send a fix for it.



best regards,
José Quaresma