I know we have just begun to have some standards for our documentation [1].

As I am preparing the Hands-on Kernel Lab [2] for contribution, it came to mind that my screen captures of qemu are not helpful to our visually impaired colleagues using screen readers. I thought I would start this thread so we can contemplate accessibility as part of our standards.

A quick search led to [3], which as I suspected suggests adding alt-text to summarize what an image is trying to show. I doubt full-text of the qemu log would be appropriate, but perhaps calling out the specific lines that are of interest?

There are other suggestions in [3] about font styling and so on that are a bit harder to see an easy path forward on. Perhaps an accessible rendering that skips the fancy styling?

Obviously this is not a well-thought out proposal. I just thought we could start a conversation.

[1] https://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-docs/tree/documentation/standards.md
[2] https://github.com/moto-timo/yocto-docs/tree/timo/kernel-lab
[3] https://developers.google.com/style/accessibility