When you run  export TEMPLATECONF=meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-palmetto/conf, you are telling the build system that you want to build images for the BMC processor used on the Palmetto machine (Aspeed AST2400).  That image won't boot on a RaspberryPi.  What you'll need to do is create a new layer in meta-openbmc-machines for a RaspberryPi that includes the raspberrypi layer, specifies the correct kernel device tree, etc.  Take a look at the meta-ast2500-evb and https://github.com/Nuvoton-Israel/meta-bsp-nuvoton/tree/master/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-evb/meta-evb-nuvoton/meta-evb-npcm750/conf for examples of what a machine to support an evaluation board (evb) looks like.

On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Javier Romero <xavinux@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi People,

I'm building an OpenBMC image for target Palmetto on Ubuntu 16.04 to try to make it work on the Raspberry PI 3. I've followed these steps:

1.  sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential libsdl1.2-dev texinfo gawk chrpath diffstat

2. git clone git@github.com:openbmc/openbmc.git

3. cd openbmc

4- export TEMPLATECONF=meta-openbmc-machines/meta-

. oe-init-build-env ~/my-build

bitbake obmc-phosphor-image

tester@obmc:/$ cd /home/tester/my-build/tmp/deploy/images/palmetto/

tar -xvf obmc-phosphor-image-palmetto-20171005142206.static.mtd.all.tar

tester@obmc:/$ ls -lha
total 65M
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   root   4.0K Oct  5 15:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root   root   4.0K Oct  5 10:29 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 tester tester  32M Oct  5 14:03 image-bmc
-rw-rw-r--  2 tester tester  33M Oct  5 14:03 obmc-phosphor-image-palmetto-20171005142206.static.mtd.all.tar

Would like to know if it is the image-bmc file, what I will have to flash on the SD card of the Raspberry to load OpenBMC.

Have also build an image of Linux Yocto for Raspberry PI 3.

Thanks for your attention.


Javier Romero
Skype: xavinux