I am attaching a much simpler tar ball that demonstrates the difference between xenomai- and xenomai-2.5.1 rt_cond_wait() function. The difference is that in the new version of xenomai-2.5.1 the rt_cond_wait() function does wait for the condition for the specified timeout interval but when it timesout it returns 0 and I have not been able to get it to return -ETIMEDOUT. The CanFestival timers_xeno task depends on the value of -ETIMEDOUT being returned when a timeout occurs. -- John -----Original Message----- From: Gilles Chanteperdrix [mailto:gilles.chanteperdrix@xenomai.org Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 11:53 AM To: Charlton, John Cc: 'jan.kiszka@domain.hid'; xenomai@xenomai.org Subject: Re: [Xenomai-help] mlockall error after calling mlockall() Charlton, John wrote: > I am attaching a simpler portion of the timer loop that demonstrates > the problem. As I said before the problem does not occur with > xenomai- but does occur with > xenomai-2.5.1/linux- > > I had some problems applying your patch so I will let you know if I am > able to do that. But did you have the watchdog enabled with ? -- Gilles.