Hello all, We are using FIT image in an ARM 64 bit target based instead of separate Linux binary(Image.bin) and DTB. We are using a copy of the kernel fit image bbclass provided by poky in our custom machine layer to build the fit image. We observe that the bootloader is not able to load the device tree from the RAM. We are using Yocto project 2.1 and kernel version 4.9 Additionally, we observe that the fit image size varies across builds. We are observing two different image sizes viz 6855936 and 6855932 bytes. Of these two, the fit image with size 6855932 bytes boot properly while the image with size 6855936 doesn't boot. Most often the image with 6855932 bytes is generated as build output. Out of 5 to 7 builds (approximately), the image with size 6855936 bytes that causes the boot issue is generated once. We had modified our custom machine conf file and the kernel-fitimage.bbclass provided by poky layer for adding fit Image support . I have attached the modified fitimage bbclass file,our custom machine layer conf file ,its file generated and the error log during boot for your reference. Regards, Hari Prasath