>The goal of the style guide is to document our consensus. It would be helpful to agree on some of the foundational aspects of the application to make the concept process easier.


My proposal is that we work towards a vision with concepts for the overall site prior to getting into the details, as a method for consensus building. Our work will be the best if we agree on a look that encompasses a shared vision for the entire UI, not just individual elements. I’ve shared a few example websites that from my perspective, look like a happy medium of both our styles, and expect we can find more good examples if we want to go down this path.


I think we have the opportunity – leaning on the collaborative strengths that we can all bring – to combine what we have each been working on to make something even better. But it will mean being willing to compromise some of our style preferences to agree on a shared vision. Is there interest on working towards this vision together? It seems like a good time given the rebuilding with VueJS.


If we can agree on the big picture, creating a style guide or choosing a design library will be much easier as we’ll have consensus reflecting that shared vision.


How about we discuss in this week's GUI Design work group meeting?


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